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The Period Board shares why they’re passionate about menstrual equity

There are lots of fantastic causes, hobbies, and extracurriculars to spend your time on in college, but our officers chose to make time to advocate for menstrual equity. Read why the 2023 - 2024 board members decided to join Davis Period.

The 2023 - 2024 Davis Period Officers

Ellyn, President: I joined as a sustainable menstruation intern because it was a perfect combination of two things I am passionate about: the health of menstruators and the health of our planet. Coming into college I knew I wanted to do work concerning menstrual equity, so I was so happy to learn about the intern position. When I did some research on the club prior to joining and saw that my values really aligned with its mission statement, I decided to send in an application. I'm very glad I did!

Morgan, Vice President: I joined Davis Period because I resonated with its mission of menstrual equity and advocacy. Advocacy and menstrual/women's rights are both passions of mine and Davis Period has allowed me to combine them. I also really enjoyed how the organization creates a safe space for menstrual empowerment and education. It has made me feel supported and comfortable on campus.

Annabel, Editor-in-Chief: I’ve been involved in reproductive justice issues through on-campus organizations and in collaboration with lobbying organizations. I’m grateful to Davis Period for the chance to focus specifically on menstrual equity which is an issue with a wide reach and an unfortunately low profile. My roommate (Ellyn!) originally joined the club after I sent her the intern application, thinking it would be something she’d enjoy, so when she asked if I would be interested in writing for Period, it felt like the closing of a circle. Writing about social justice issues is so meaningful to me and I am excited to keep using my positions to pressure administration and legislators into impactful change!

Eli, Operations & Donations: I was in a similar club in high school, and I wanted to keep helping out in the community in a similar way. I am really passionate about reproductive and menstrual health, and I felt like Davis Period was a good group to get involved with.

Pranavi, Operations & Donations: In high school, I founded a club called I Am That Girl whose mission was to empower women through community service, informational workshops, and advocacy. It was a huge part of my life and I wanted a similar community and experience in college, which I have found through Davis Period!

Prachi, Education & Advocacy: I've always been passionate about equality and I have also struggled with period pain. I feel like Davis Period's values and goals align with my interests. When I was a first year, I saw the table at the involvement fair and I couldn't believe that the club even existed because it seemed so perfect for me. I hope that my efforts as a member make a difference in the Davis community and are able to bring us a step closer to achieving menstrual equity.

Chloe, Education & Advocacy: I joined Davis Period because I have had a crazy period journey that I love to talk about and I have seen a lot of equity and healthcare failures firsthand. I believe really strongly in destigmatizing periods and improving awareness of physical and mental health realities related to menstruation. I also just love this community of people Davis Period attracts who are all so kind and passionate about equity.

Maanvi, Finance: I joined Davis Period because I have seen the stigmas that exist around the topic of menstruation. Coming from India, I have seen that it's such a taboo to talk about periods and, additionally, people feel embarrassed to talk about it. Even in high school, girls refrain from talking about periods openly because of the fear of being bullied and teased by boys and girls, like it's something unnatural and dirty. Therefore, to break this stigma existing within the community, I joined Davis Period and hence educate the community about it.

Drishti, Sustainable Menstruation: I loved that Davis Period was confidently initiating conversations surrounding menstruation which was such a stark contrast to what I was used to in high school. I also loved that being a part of Davis Period meant actually having a role as an intern orfficer and taking real action. Applying to Davis Period last year was the best decision I ever made!

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